General objective

Set up a network of European organisations working with NEET youth and mobilising acknowledged ambassadors of this category. This is the reason for involvement of five partners known for the success of their work in 4 European countries who are already active on a European and international scale.

Specific objective

Developing tools for promoting European policies appropriate for this category, through use of appropriate communication tools. Making NEET youth more visible and combating their stigmatisation by making their voices public and promoting their initiatives.

About the project

The initiative is implemented by 5 European partner organisations, in Genoa, Brussels, Bucharest and Paris Saint Denis, who work with young people and particularly NEET youth and have come up with innovative working methods effective for the mobilisation and inclusion of this category. The initiative offers innovative methods tested at the local and regional levels for achieving goals that contribute to the European priorities of “Engage – Connect – Empower” and help create spaces for discussion, debate and proposals, necessary for development of policies at the local, regional, national and European levels.

Each partner country will set up a panel of youth in order to create a leadership team based on shared criteria. In Italy (Genoa), Helpcode will identify a group of 10 young people (6 girls and 4 boys) who are motivated and​ interested in the issues addressed in the project and in the summit to be held in Brussels. Helpcode will accompany the group thus set up in a process of training and awareness-raising between March and October 2023, focusing on the issues of active citizenship, gender, climate change, interculture, discrimination, international cooperation, and European mobility. During the training programme, the young people will meet with representatives of local institutions and hold virtual discussions with their counterparts in European cities involved in the initiative. The training programme will permit preparation of content to be presented by the young people themselves at an active citizenship event in Brussels from 30th November to 1st December 2023, the G1000 summit. The event will offer an opportunity to meet with leaders of European institutions for discussion and active participation. Representatives of local institutions will be invited to participate.

Cost of the action

27.000 €


  • 10 boys and girls in Genoa
  • indirectly 200 people

Financial Backers

European Union

Project partners

  • OIRD
  • Saint Denis
  • Musique de nuit
  • Roma Foundation

Projet coordinator


Rossella Semino

Project manager