Promoting the building of a more tight-knit, inclusive society.
Promoting the building of a more tight-knit, inclusive society.
Training of educational tutors. Providing training for Unversity of Genoa tutors, conducted by experienced Helpcode training staff through participatory workshops aimed at acquisition of the methods and tools of active pedagogy.
· Holding teaching workshops at secondary schools in Genoa. Helpcode training staff accompanied by university tutors will hold teaching workshops in at least 30 classes in secondary schools in Genoa, valid as a PCTO (soft skills and orientation) project for students.
· Final event discussing experience of good practices.
The project, now in its second edition, continues thanks to the support and dedication of Associazione Archetti, maintaining its commitment to breaking down stereotypes surrounding the phenomenon of migration. In the wake of the success of the first edition, which involved 120 classes in Milan and Genoa, the project will continue to implement four educational workshops targeting students in senior secondary schools, more than 40 classes in the Genoa area.
The project, first held under a partnership between Helpcode, Bicocca University of Milan and Genoa University, aims to break down stereotypes surrounding the issue of migration. Thanks to the two partner universities, the first edition of the project assessed the impact and tested the effectiveness of the model proposed in these communities, providing empirical evidence of the impact of programmes aimed at combatting prejudices and changing people’s attitudes.
The new edition continues to focus on a peer-to-peer approach. In each class, the educators will be assisted by volunteer university students, creating a shared, inclusive learning environment. The goal is still the same: raising awareness among young people, promoting knowledge and dialogue about the issue of migration and contributing to the creation of a more open, welcoming society.
Cost of the action
18.000 €
SDG’s che il progetto contribuisce a raggiungere
Financial backer
Associazione Archetti
Elena Varoli
Project coordinator
Alessandro Bartoletti
Country manager