General objective

Address the psychosocial needs of affected children by conflict and displacement through improving access to sport and psychosocial-social education.

Specific objective

Promote children’s rights and strengthen protection mechanisms in the wider community.

Expected results

– IDPs’ children have improved the access to sport and recreational activities;
– Targeted children with protection issues received psychosocial-social and protection support.

About the project

The proposed Education through Sport action aiming at addressing the psychosocial needs of conflict-affected children through improving access to sport, physical development and psychosocial-social education focusing on social and educational roles of the sport programmes that supporting the social-emotional, cognitive, and physical development for the IDPs’ children aged 6–15 in and out the schools. The project will integrate the children with protection issues into the existing schools and facilitating psychosocial-social sessions using sport and recreational activities and referral children to protection services based on need to help them deal with trauma and build life skills.

Costs of the action

86.000 €


  • 36 schools’ teachers & local community facilitators
  • 4,468 IDPs school aged children (2,483 girls and 1,985 boys).
  • 1,897 IDPs families

Financial backers

UEFA Foundation for children

Project partners

The project will be implemented directly by Helpcode office in Yemen in coordination with MoPIC, the office of Executive Unit for IDPs and Education authority.

Project coordinator


Mosa Moori

Country representative – Yemen