General objective

To remove the barriers that prevent Cambodia’s girls and young women from accessing education.

Specific objective

To fit schools in the district with separate toilet facilities for males and females that are also suitable for those with reduced mobility. To launch awareness initiatives explaining the importance of hygiene habits in 15 schools and for members of the relevant communities.

Expected results

To reduce the early school leaving rate by providing adequate sanitation services and by running awareness campaigns on the importance of hygiene habits. To reduce the number of boys and girls affected by diseases such as diarrhoea and other disorders caused by microorganisms present in the water.

About the project

In Cambodia, one of the main barriers preventing girls from accessing education is the lack of adequate sanitation. In many cases, schools do not have separate toilet facilities for males and females, and they often fail to provide the facilities needed to guarantee an acceptable level of hygiene. This is exacerbated by the poor water quality, leading to frequent illnesses such as diarrhoea and other diseases caused by microorganisms present in the water.
Unfortunately, many boys and girls are forced to miss important school days due to illness, with serious consequences for their academic and cognitive development.

Our work in Cambodia follows the World Health Organisation’s recommendations to improve existing infrastructure, to create new facilities where they are currently lacking, and to change habits and routines around hygiene. To this end, we run awareness programmes to explain the importance of simple daily habits such as frequently washing one’s hands and ensuring toilet facilities are kept clean.

Our awareness initiatives also extend to the public and private stakeholders responsible for building school infrastructure, with incentives and accolades for institutions that meet the recommendations of the World Health Organisation.

Project costs

25.000 €


  • 4215 girls and boys
  • 737 teachers and school employees

Project backer

Embassy of the Czech Republic in Cambodia


  • Sihanoukville Catholic Church
  • Prey Nup District Education Office
  • Sihanoukville Provincial Education Office

Project leader

Chey Rattana

Country representative