General objective

Offering alternatives to illegal migration, reinforcing the ability of local economies to promote socioeconomic integration for young people, women, and other categories at risk of marginalisation in Tunisia.

Specific objective

O.1 – Contributing to the direct creation of opportunities for decent work, reinforcing the qualifications and employability of young people, women and other categories at risk of economic marginalisation, in territorial processes for development and innovation in food and agriculture.

Duration: 24 months
Expected start date: 01/10/2024

Location: Tunisia
Governorates of: Jendouba, Beja, Siliana and Keirouan

Expected results

R1: Reinforcement of professional training to better respond to the needs of food and agriculture enterprises, creating quality employment and adding value to local economies.

Diagnostics for identification of demand for skills in food and agriculture and potential employment for young people.
Agreements with enterprises, networks, clusters, associations, etc.: conventions and more.
Identification, awareness of and orientation for “young Tunisian” beneficiaries.
Conception and implementation of short-term training programmes for training staff and youth.

R2: Opportunities for employment with existing enterprises, self-employment or start-up of enterprises connected with training programmes are promoted to benefit young people, women and other categories at risk of socioeconomic marginalisation.
Assistance with professional integration of the target after training.
Assistance and accompaniment for trained promotors of business projects
Campaigns providing information, raising awareness and organising activities in the local territory of the target group concerning opportunities for training and integration in careers and connected cross-cutting themes (decent and inclusive work, ESS, energy transition).

R3: Reinforcement of the abilities of, and coordination among, key players, institutions and local services for training, job creation and enterprises, conveying processes of innovation and sustainable growth in the local productive fabric, particularly in food and agriculture.

Creation of mechanisms for coordination of the various public and private players and services associated with the local organisation for training, employment, innovation and enterprise.
Supporting reinforcement of centres for training and for the promotion of employment and enterprise.
Technical and territorial partnerships with Italian organisations and centres to strengthen stakeholders in training/enterprise/employment.
Exchange of, and capitalisation on, good practices
2. Le opportunità di impiego presso imprese esistenti, autoimpiego e creazione di impresa collegate ai percorsi di formazione sono promosse a beneficio di giovani, donne e altre categorie a rischio di marginalizzazione socioeconomica.

3. Le capacità ed il coordinamento fra attori, istituzioni e servizi locali per la formazione e la creazione di impiego e impresa sono rafforzati per veicolare processi di innovazione e crescita sostenibile dei tessuti produttivi locali con particolare riferimento al settore agroalimentare.

Training and Orientation for the Reinforcement of Trades and Employment in Rural Areas 

FORMER offers alternatives to illegal migration, reinforcing the ability of local economies to promote socio-economic integration for young people, women, and other categories at risk of marginalisation in Tunisia. The goal of the action is to contribute to the direct creation of opportunities for decent work by strengthening the skills and access to employment of young people, women, and other categories at risk of economic marginalisation in territorial processes of development and innovation in food and agriculture.  FORMER expects to achieve three results in the pursuit of this goal. The first of these is to increase the availability of vocational training for the food and agriculture industry be setting up innovative training programmes for training staff and youth, with the involvement of international expertise in the production of milk and honey. The second result is promotion of the creation of opportunities for decent employment in existing enterprises and among the self-employed. Lastly, FORMER aims to strengthen the skills of training institutions and services and improve their coordination in order to encourage processes of innovation and sustainable growth. 

Total cost of the action

1.950.000 €

Total beneficiaries


  • R1: total 1200 
  • Raising awareness among 1,200 young people in the 4 governorates 
  • Training and orientation for 800 young people among the 1200 cited above. (seeking involvement of 50% young women) 
  • 600 young people trained in technical skills and in soft skills/cross-cutting skills among the 800 cited above (including 3% youth with disabilities) 
  • Training of 20 members of training staff at AVFA Centres in the 4 governorates 
  • R.2: total 10,000 
  • 400 participants in open days bring together supply and demand, holding a total of 4 open days in the 4 governorates (1 in each governorate) 
  • 300 young people employed in trainee internships in the 4 governorates, 200 young people employed in enterprises or self-employed in the creation of enterprises in the 4 governorates 
  • 10,000 people reached by campaigns providing information, raising awareness and implementing activities in the target territory concerning opportunities for training and integration into employment, with the related cross-cutting issues (decent and inclusive employment, ESS, energy transition), in the 4 governorates. 
  • R.3: total 254 
  •  1. at least 100 members of staff of training centres, the Bureau d’Emploi, and other stakeholders involved in the 4 governorates 
  • 2. 4 Tunisian delegates travelling to Terra Madre in Turin in 2026 
  • 3. 150 participants in the closing event and the 4 meetings for discussion to be held in Tunis and in the target governorates. 

SDG’s che il progetto contribuisce a raggiungere

SDG 4 – Quality education 

This goal concerns the need to improve the quality of education and adapt curricula to respond to the requirements of the labour market, promoting acquisition of appropriate, innovative skills. 

SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth 

This goal is directly linked with promotion of eligibility for employment among youth, of entrepreneurship and of the need to connect supply and demand in employment. 

SDG 17 – Partnership for the goals 

Promotion of closer dialogue between public and private players to facilitate access to and improvement of local economic development.   

Project partners

Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo

Project partners

  • Tamat
  • ARCS
  • TdH IT
  • EnAIP
  • TFYE


Rossella Semino

Tunisia Libya Desk