Our activities

A multidisciplinary approach to bring real change in the lives of many children, their families and their communities.

Child protection

All girls and boys must have the opportunity to express their potential, to grow, and to achieve their dreams…

Protezione dell'infanzia

Gender equality

Gender equality, paired with women empowerment, brings a positive change to the whole community…


All children, in Italy and around the world, must have equal access to education opportunities…

Scuola amica Cambogia 2


Last year more than 200 million people globally were displaced because of violence, conflicts or natural disasters…

Nutrition and agriculture

Malnutrition is co-responsible for the deaths of 3 million children under the age of 5 every year…

nutrizione e agricoltura

Water and sanitation

Access to safe water and the correct management of freshwater ecosystems are essential for human health…