Do you have any doubts or questions about our activities? Check out our FAQ to find answers to your most frequent questions.

Our work

What does Helpcode do?

We work, both in Italy and around the world, to protect the rights of children and are committed, through projects and interventions, to ensuring they can grow up and achieve their dreams.

We believe that change, in any community, can come from children. This is why we intervene to ensure that every child is protected by a family, has access to quality education, and grows within a supportive community that helps them develop their potential.

Discover in detail what we do!

Where does Helpcode intervene?

All of our projects aim to protect children and uphold their rights. We have active projects in Cambodia, Italy, Libya, Mozambique, Nepal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Discover what we do in these countries!

How and where do you choose where to intervene?

Our activities and interventions are defined by Helpcode’s three-year strategy approved by the Board of Directors. This strategy sets the thematic priorities for intervention, focusing on the most fragile countries and areas facing the most critical humanitarian emergencies. The approach we use for our interventions is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, approved by the United Nations General Assembly in 1989 and ratified by Italy in 1991. It also aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals signed by world leaders in 2015.

The selection of locations and populations to support is made through detailed coordination with our project managers, local authorities, and civil society, to better understand the needs and identify the most effective response.

Does Helpcode manage its projects directly?

All projects are carried out in collaboration with local institutions, particularly with the Ministries of Education and Youth Policies, and are agreed upon with the beneficiary communities. These forms of involvement encourage the beneficiaries to activate resources for their own development, ensuring the effectiveness and sustainability of the interventions.

In our locations, most of the staff is local, often supported by an international operator. We ensure constant monitoring to guarantee the effectiveness and success of the initiatives.


I would like to donate, how can I do it? What are the donation methods?

I’m glad to hear you’re interested in donating! Here are the ways you can contribute:

  • Bank Direct Debit – Click here to set up this payment method.
  • Bank Transfer: Banca Etica, to Help Code Italia – IBAN: IT 98 L 05018 01400 000015125008
  • Credit Card – Click here to donate via credit card.
  • Postal Payment: C/C postale 95017350109, made out to Helpcode Italia.
  • Paypal – Click here to donate via PayPal.
  • For more information about donation methods or payments, feel free to contact our donations office at 010 5704843 or email donazioni@helpcode.org.

What percentage of my contribution is transformed into direct aid?

Over 3/4 of your donation (72 cents for every euro donated) is invested in interventions in favor of children’s rights.

Discover in detail how we use the funds raised in last year’s annual report.

I can’t donate money, can I still help?

Yes, of course! We are always looking for new volunteers. Find out how you can participate in our activities!

Sponsor a Child

Can I write to the child I support remotely?

Absolutely. This is a very meaningful and appreciated gesture for the children we support. We encourage you to send drawings, photographs, and short texts with simple and easy-to-understand messages. You will receive a thank-you message and a photo of the delivery. Due to logistical reasons, we cannot provide an exact date for when your messages will be sent.

All materials should be sent to our main office at Via XXV Aprile 12B – 16123 Genoa.

For more information, contact our donation office by writing to donazioni@helpcode.org.

Can I send a gift to the child I support remotely?

We understand the significance of this gesture and the good intentions behind it. However, our experience has shown that this can lead to feelings of inequality among those who do not receive gifts. For this reason, we prefer to avoid direct shipment of material gifts to the child you are supporting.

Instead, you can send them a message or make a donation to contribute uniformly to the development of the community or school where they are located.

How can I receive information about the child I’m sponsoring?

Our team regularly communicates with sponsors through printed and electronic correspondence.

  • At Christmas, you will receive a new photo of the child you sponsor, along with their message and a drawing. If you sponsor a school, you will receive a photo of a group of students attending it, along with a message written by a student or teacher.
  • In spring, you will receive an update on our activities, accompanied by photos and a drawing from the child.
  • Annual Social Report: Every year, we will send you a summary to show in detail how we use the funds raised for projects in Italy and worldwide.
  • Magazine: Twice a year, you will receive our magazine with updates on project progress and insights into cooperation and solidarity topics.

If this is not enough or you cannot find the information you are looking for, feel free to call us at +39 010 5704843 or email us at info@helpcode.org. We will be happy to assist you!

I haven’t received any updates for a long time. Is this normal?

No, there must be a problem! Our team communicates regularly with supporters through print and electronic communications.

Contact us to make sure all the information is correct!
Call us at 010 5704843, or write to donazioni@helpcode.org.

Can I choose the age, gender, and country of the child?

The selection of a child for sponsorship is based on the specific needs of a country or intervention area. For this reason, it is not possible to choose the age, gender, or country of origin of the child.

Can I gift a sponsorship to a friend?

Certainly, and we encourage you to do so. Contact us, and we will explain how to do it!

When can I end my sponsorship? Are there any legal obligations?

By its nature, sponsorship is a long-term commitment to ensure continuity of support and avoid any trauma for the child you have decided to sponsor. We also believe it is very important to continue the support until the child completes their final educational cycle.

However, there are no legal obligations, and you can end the sponsorship whenever you wish. To terminate a sponsorship, please contact us at 010 5704843 or write to donazioni@helpcode.org.

In which cases does distance sponsorship end?

The distance sponsorship of a child ends at the completion of their education cycle. The age at which this happens depends both on the educational system of the country in which the child resides and the age at which they were able to access primary education.

However, there are exceptional cases where we may be forced to end a sponsorship before the completion of the education cycle. These rare cases include the death of the child, or more commonly, the family’s relocation to another country or outside the communities where we operate.

In all these cases, our staff will contact you immediately to offer the option of continuing your commitment by supporting another child.

Can I visit the child I am sponsoring from a distance?

Certainly! The visit, as many of our supporters who have already experienced it can attest, is a truly important experience to see with your own eyes the result of our efforts, but most of all, the impact of your donation.

We will be happy to connect you with our field operators and check the availability and safety conditions for your trip. The local staff will be at your disposal to accompany you to meet the child, the school, or the community you are supporting, visiting the school and, when possible, the village. Travel costs and arrangements will be your responsibility.

How to help

Can I collaborate with you?

Certainly! Find out if there are any open positions.

I don’t have a distance sponsorship, how can I stay updated on Helpcode’s activities?

Of course, we encourage you to activate a distance sponsorship! But you can still follow our activities:

  • Subscribe to our newsletter
  • Follow us on our social channels
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Did you not find an answer to your questions? Contact us!

We’ll get back to you as soon as possible to answer your questions.

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